Scouts |
The original art of each Flashbacks
story is for sale, as well as signed prints ideal for framing.
For prices, and to see what an original looks like, CLICK HERE. |
This is a two-part story
on Juliette Low, founder of the Girl Scouts of America Part
These are excellent books for young readers, and are appropriate
gifts for granddaughters and nieces who are in scouting.
Daisy and the Girl Scouts
- The Story of Juliette Gordon Low
by Fern G. Brown
An excellent biography about Mrs. Low with emphasis on her childhood.
Particularly uplifting is the courage she showed when her hearing
was lost and her marriage faltered, plus her drive and determination
to do good things for young girls. As a child her uncle gave
her the nickname which stuck throughout her life, Daisy. The
book concludes with this paragraph: "Daisy's courage and
spirit despite her ill health, deafness, and advancing years
continue to be an inpiration to the girls of the world. Her goal,
and the goal of the Girl Scout movement, was to help each girl
to think big, to discover and develop the possibilities within
her and in the world around her..."
7" x 9" 111 pages, index, illustrated, paperbound
#125 Daisy and Girl Scouts $7.95  |
Juliette Low Girl Scout Founder by
Helen Boyd Higgins
"You can't go wading,
Daisy Gordon," shouted Randy. "You go with the other
girls. It's not ladylike." Daisy paid no attention. The
water was cold. A high wind made tiny waves in it. Suddenly she
saw a tiny animal bobbing along ahead of her. She started after
Find out what happened next as you
share the childhood adventures of the young girl from Savannah,
Georgia, who grw up to found the Girls Scouts. Back in the 1860s
"Daisy" Gordon would rather climb a tree and ride a
horse than learn to dance and sew. "There's not one thing
I can't do that boys can," said Daisy, and the organization
she created years later proved her words.
5½" x 8½" 124 pages, illustrated,
#136 Juliette Low $9.95  |
Would you like to own an original
Flashbacks cartoon? Click
Here are two volumes containing reproductions of Flashbacks cartoons:
A Cartoon of the
District of Columbia Flashbacks
Volume One Patrick M.
Reynolds brings history
to life with a sense of humor. His exciting drawings put you
on the scene with the conflicts, madness, plus the wheeling and
dealing that resulted in the location and construction of the
U.S. capital city. This book covers the early history of DC from
1776 to 1863. You'll be surprised at how many cities served as
the U.S. capital; you'll be amazed that the city was built--despite
all the bickering, petty jealousies, and down-right stupidity.
11¾" x 7½" 106 pages, full color illustrations,
index, paperbound ISBN 0-932514-31-6
#F1 Cartoon History of DC $25.00 "http://ww5.aitsafe.com/cf/add.cfm?userid=7098377&product=F1+-+A Cartoon History of the District of Columbia&price=25.00&units=25.00"> |
DC Neighborhoods Flashbacks
Vol. Two Artist-writer Patrick M. Reynolds takes
you to the Washington that tourists seldom see The U.S. capital
expanded with the growth of public transportation into such areas
as Shepard Park, Takoma Park, Chevy Chase, Kalorama, Dupont Circle,
Adams Morgan, Capital Hill, LeDroit Park, Tenleytown, Brookland,
and others. Stories in this book go back to the explorations
of Capt. John Smith in the 1600s and the Indian Wars of early
Virginia, continuing into the 20th century with the introduction
of the cherry trees to Washington and the end of segregation
in public schools.
11¾" x 7½" 106 pages, full color illustrations,
index, paperbound ISBN 0-932514-33-2
#F2 Cartoon History of DC $14.95 "http://ww5.aitsafe.com/cf/add.cfm?userid=7098377&product=F2+-+DC Neighborhoodsa&price=14.95&units=14.95"> |
Previous weeks' stories and references:
Bomb....Aviation History...Children...Constitution-How
& Why we got it...Civil War...
Presidency...Auto Racing...Baseball History...the
Bible & the Presidency...Blizzard
of 1888...Bubble Houses...Chinese...Combat
Artists...The CCCs...Declaration
of Independence...The
Ghost Army of WWII... Artists
in War The Limb Maker...Duke Ellington...Ferries
Across the Chessie .. Food
History,,, HOLIDAYS...German
Americans...Italian Americans...The Italian Crisis...Ninian Beall
Sequence.....UFOs Over Washington...
Culpeper of Virginia...The Spanish Flu Epidemic
of 1918...Indians of
the Eastern Shore of MD & VA...Black
History... Pirates on the Chesapeake...Chesapeake Beach...Quiltmaking...Chesapeake Bay Stories...Ghost stories... Maryland
History...Music History...Naval History (Seebees, Armed Guard,
& Roll History...Hoover
of Words & Phrases...Inventions...Railroads...Virginia
DC History...Nazis in America...Wilkes Expedition...Stamps...Women...Girl Scouts