The original art of each Flashbacks
story is for sale, as well as signed prints ideal for framing.
For prices, and to see what an original looks like, CLICK HERE. |

Famous American WomenA
Biographical Dictionary from Colonial Times to the Present1035
From Pocahontas to Rosa Parks,
American women have made or shared in their country's history
and legend. Unfortunately most are ignored in the history booksuntil
now. Here in one folume are bios (averaging 400 words in length)
of over 1,000 women, famous and infamous, in hundreds of fields
covering four centuries. First ladies, feminists, reformers,
teachers, missionaries, patriots, doctors, politicians, entertainers,
scientists, socialites, and athletes are listed alphabetically
including: Bella Abzug, Mae West, sylvia Porter, Wallis Warfield,
Sally Rand, Leontyne Price, Mahalia Jackson, Irene Lewisohn,
Harriet Tubman, Maria Tallchief, Ida Tarbell, and Chien Shiung
Wu. They are indexed by names, occupations, and important institutions
founded or influenced by the subjects.
6½" x 9" 490 pages, indices, paperbound
#117 Famous American Women $13.95  |

On This Spot: Pinpointing
the Past in Washington, DC
by Douglas E.Evelyn and
Paul Dickson
This book delves into the gritty reality and color of the city
by locating the sites where important, or just plain fascinating,
events took place, where figures from American history lived,
worked, and died. The reader is taken on a surprise-filled journey
that begins in 18th century Georgetown and wends its way through
Rum Row, infamous Murder Bay, and the 1932 Bonus army encampment
on Pennsylvania Avenue. Hundreds of places are featured along
with over 125 photos culled from public and private collections,
making this a superb guidebook and a history lover's delight.
9" x 6" 266 pages, index, illustrated, paperbound
#186 On This Spot - Washington $16.95  |
June 24, 2006 -Part 1 of

July 2, 2006 - Part 2 of 2

Some of the reference for this story came from a book that is
out of printThe Book of Women's Firsts by Phyllis
J. Read and Bernard L. Witlieb, 1992 Random House. |
Would you like to own an original
Flashbacks cartoon? Click
Here are two volumes containing reproductions of Flashbacks cartoons:
Flashbacks Volume One
A Cartoon of the
District of Columbia
Patrick M.
Reynolds brings history
to life with a sense of humor. His exciting drawings put you
on the scene with the conflicts, madness, plus the wheeling and
dealing that resulted in the location and construction of the
U.S. capital city, despite
all the bickering, petty jealousies, and down-right stupidity. This volume is almost out of print, hence the higher price.
11¾" x 7½" 106 pages, full color illustrations,
index, paperbound
ISBN 0-932514-31-6
#F1 Cartoon History of DC $25.00  |
DC Neighborhoods Flashbacks
Vol. Two Artist-writer Patrick M. Reynolds takes
you to the Washington that tourists seldom see The U.S. capital
expanded with the growth of public transportation into such areas
as Shepard Park, Takoma Park, Chevy Chase, Kalorama, Dupont Circle,
Adams Morgan, Capital Hill, LeDroit Park, Tenleytown, Brookland,
and others. Stories in this book go back to the explorations
of Capt. John Smith in the 1600s and the Indian Wars of early
Virginia, continuing into the 20th century with the introduction
of the cherry trees to Washington and the end of segregation
in public schools.
11¾" x 7½" 106 pages, full color illustrations,
index, paperbound ISBN 0-932514-33-2
#F2 Cartoon History of DC $14.95  |
Previous weeks' stories and references:
History...Children...Constitution-How & Why
we got it...Civil War... Autocamping...American
Presidency...Auto Racing...Baseball History...the
Bible & the Presidency...Blizzard
of 1888...Bubble Houses...Chinese...Combat
Artists...The CCCs...Declaration
of Independence...The
Ghost Army of WWII... Artists
in War The Limb Maker...Duke Ellington...Ferries
Across the Chessie .. Food
History,,, HOLIDAYS...German
Americans...Italian Americans...The Italian Crisis...Ninian Beall
Sequence.....UFOs Over Washington...
Culpeper of Virginia...The Spanish Flu Epidemic
of 1918...Indians of
the Eastern Shore of MD & VA...Black
History... Pirates on the Chesapeake...Chesapeake Beach...Quiltmaking...Chesapeake Bay Stories...Ghost stories... Maryland
History...Music History...Naval History (Seebees, Armed Guard,
& Roll History...Hoover
of Words & Phrases...Inventions...Railroads...Virginia
DC History...Nazis in America...Wilkes Expedition...Stamps
pat@redrosestudio.com or redrosestudio@dejazzd.com