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The History of Ferryboats in New York
by Brian J. Cudahy
This rare history captures nearly
two centuries of ferryboating in the Big Apple, by a master narrator
of the history of transportation in America. In stories, charts,
maps, photographs, diagrams, route lists, fleet rosters, and
in the histories of some four-hundred ferryboats, Mr. Cudahy
describes how Cornelius Vanderbilt started the industry from
a rowboat to a fleet of boats, calling himself "Commodore."
Subsequent chapters include: Years of Growth (1824-60), the Civil
War, Patterns after Appomatox (1865-1900), Road to Municipal
Operation (1900-1910), Here Comes Red Mike (1910-1925), tje Dream
Fades (1925-1955), ...But Doesn't Die (1955 and Onward.) It is
all spiced with vintage photos.
8¾" x 9¼" 472 pages, index, illustrated,
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