1918–The Worst Epidemic in
American History
by Lynette Iezzoni
Based on the television documentary,
Influenza 1918 is a powerful medical thriller of America's
worst health crisis. It is the story of public officials who
waffled and denied the danger, and others who acted with forceful
dedication; of medical researchers whose tireless labors only
led them deeper into the heart of a mystery; of people who closed
their doors against sick friends and relatives; and of the many
more who braved the danger and, in a show of volunteerism unmatched
in our nations history, somehow kept America running.
6" x 9" 240 pages, index, photos, paperbound
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Flu–The Story of the Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918
and the Search for the Virus That Caused It
by Gina Kolata
A science reporter for The New
York Times, Gina Kolata unravels the mystery of this lethal
virus with the high drama of a great adventure story. From Alaska
to Norway, from the streets of Hong Kong to the corridors of
the White House, Kolata tracks the race to recover the live pathogen
and proves the feat that has impelled government policy. A chilling
read, packed with new information and astonishments; it moves
a a rapid pace with vivid proxe and graphic scenes.
5½" x 8" 330 pages, index, photos,
#297 Flu $14.00  |
Viruses, Plagues, & History
by Michael B. A. Oldstone
This is a concise chronicle of
the epidemics that ravaged the world since recorded history.
The first cities formed not only the cradle of civilization,
but spawning grounds for the earlies viral epidemics. In clear
and engrossing prose, Oldstone explains the scientific principles
of virus and epidemics while also relating the past and present
history of the major viral thrreats to human health. Science
magazine describes the book, "Concise , telling accounts
of the most dreaded viral epidemic diseases and of the virologists
who pioneered their identificatioin, pathogenesis, and prevention
through vaccination....Accessible reading for the non-specialist,
and reminds virologists of our debt to the field's founders."
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maps, diagrams, paperbound
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