The Story of the Redwood
on the Washington Mall

Most of the reference for this three-part story came from the
book "Capital Losses," which is out of print. Look
for it at your local library. For more information about the
1993 Chicago World's Fair, we recommend the following books:
The World's Columbian
Exposition–The Chicago
World's Fair of 1893 by
Norman Boltin and Christine Laing
This is a photographic history of the grand expo, which honored
the 400 anniversary of Columbus's voyage to America, held on
600 acres of reclaimed swampland along the south shore of Lake
Michigan from April to October 1893. Some 28 million visitors
vieewed dozens of architectural wonders and 65,000 exhibits from
all over the world. The centerpiece of this glittering "White
City" was the debut of the first Ferris Wheel with its giant
gondolas that held 20 people each.
8½" x 11" 166 pages, index, illustrated,
#427 Columbian Expo $21.95  |
The Devil in the
White City by Erik Larson
The author of Isaac's Storm tells the spellbinding true
story of two men, an architect and a serial killer, whose fates
were linked by the greatest fair in American history: the Chicago
World's Fair of 1893, nicknamed "the White City." The
architect was Daniel Hudson Burnham, the fair's director of works
and builder of the Flatiron Building in New York and Union Station
in Washington. The murderer was Henry H. Holmes, a young doctor
who, in a malign parody of the White City, built his "World's
Fair Hotel" near the fairgrounds–a torture palace complete
with dissection table, gas chamber and 3,000-degree crematorium.Holmes
used the fair and his own stanic charmes to lure scores of young
women to their death."
6½" x 9½" 448 pages, index, hardbound
#428 Devil in White City $25.95  |
For general information about our National Parks, we recommend
this book:
to the National Park Areas–Western States
by David L. Scott and Kay W. Scott
In this comprehensive guide to 190 national sites west of the
Mississippi, the beauty, wonder, and history of these lands are
at your fingertips. The informative text, which is enhanced by
photos and 118 detailed maps, gives the facts needed to plan
and tailor a visit to any park. They include info on an areas's
history, lodging, camping, hunting, and fishing facilities; addresses
and phone #s and more.
7" x 10" 357 pages, illustrated, paperbound
#426 National Park Areas West $18.95  |
Here are two volumes containing
reproductions of Flashbacks cartoons:
Flashbacks Volume One
A Cartoon of the
District of Columbia
Patrick M.
Reynolds brings history
to life with a sense of humor. His exciting drawings put you
on the scene with the conflicts, madness, plus the wheeling and
dealing that resulted in the location and construction of the
U.S. capital city, despite
all the bickering, petty jealousies, and down-right stupidity. This volume is almost out of print, hence the higher price.
11¾" x 7½" 106 pages, full color illustrations,
index, paperbound
ISBN 0-932514-31-6
#F1 Cartoon History of DC $25.00  |
Flashbacks Volume Two
DC Neighborhoods Flashbacks Vol. Two Artist-writer Patrick
M. Reynolds takes you to the Washington that tourists seldom
see The U.S. capital expanded with the growth of public transportation
into such areas as Shepard Park, Takoma Park, Chevy Chase, Kalorama,
Dupont Circle, Adams Morgan, Capital Hill, LeDroit Park, Tenleytown,
Brookland, and others. Stories in this book go back to the explorations
of Capt. John Smith in the 1600s and the Indian Wars of early
Virginia, continuing into the 20th century with the introduction
of the cherry trees to Washington and the end of segregation
in public schools.
11¾" x 7½" 106 pages, full color illustrations,
index, paperbound ISBN 0-932514-33-2
#F2 Cartoon History of DC $14.95 