It Started In Pennsylvania
by Patrick M. Reynolds
You will be surprised at how many everyday things started
in the Commonwealth and this books gives the amusing details
on several: root beer, Planters Peanuts, toilet paper, nursing
schools, professional baseball, iron bridges, and the first labor
strike, and the Pennsylvania Turnpike, the first of its kind
in the U.S. Amusing stories include the "Dragon Lady of
Pennsylvania and the odd-ball meanings of certain towns around
the state, and much more.
8¼" X 10½"
56 pages, fully illustrated, paperbound ISBN 0-932514-22-7
#P14 It Started in PA $3.95
Keystone Chronicles
by Patrick Reynolds Along with the state flower this book describes
other state symbols plus the meaning of the state coat of arms.
Here are amusing but true stories about the sneaky start of professional
footabll and other Pennsylvania FIRSTS: the autogiro-forerunner
of the helicopter, the hook and eye, caruosel horses, and the
American flag. There are notable women: a Revolutionary War spy,
a steel magnate, and a philanthropist.
8¼" X 10½"
56 pages, fully illustrated, paperbound ISBN 0-932514-25-1
#P15 Keystone Chronicles $6.95