Presented by The Red Rose Studio, the town of Willow Street, PA 17584
Telephone 717-464-3873 FAX 717 464-3250 e-mail

 Little-known stories about the Lone Star State
 To read enlarged versions of these stories, please scroll down.


 These and over 200 other stories about Texas appear in this book.
Texas Lore Volumes 1–4
Artist-writer Patrick M. Reynolds has combined the first four volumes of Texas Lore cartoons and rearranged the stories into four sections: (1) A chronological history of Texas, (2) Characters, (3) Places and Things (4) Nationalities, Arts, and Sports. It covers prehistoric Texas, Conquistadors, Missionaries, empresarios, the Texas Revolution, the Camel Corps, Civil War, cattle barons, gunfighters, Indian tribes, and more.
7¾" x 10½" 228 pages, fully illustrated, index, paperbound ISBN 0-932514-27-8
#T1–4 TX Lore 1–4 $12.95


 Texas Lore is a weekly newspaper feature. If you would like to see it run every week in your local paper, call or write to your editor.

The Red Rose Studio, the town of Willow Street, PA 17584
Telephone toll-free 1-888-TEXLORE (839-5673)
FAX: 717 464-3250