358 Flintlock Drive, the town of Willow Street, Penna. 17584
Telephone toll-free: 1-717 464-3873
FAX: 717 464-3250
e-mail: pat@redrosestudio.com





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If you enjoyed this story, it appears in Big Apple Almanac Vol. One along with over a hundred other fascinating stories...

 Big Apple Almanac Volume One Patrick M. Reynolds brings history to life with great drawings and a sense of humor. Here is the early history of New York: the Vikings in Manhattan, the Dutch settlements, the English take over and some of their most eccentric governors. Also, stories on the Civil War, Tin Pan Alley, and the origin of holidays and their traditions in the U.S.
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Read more illustrated histories of the U.S., Pennsylvania, Texas, and the Washington, DC area. 



The Red Rose Studio, the town of Willow Street, PA 17584

Telephone toll-free: 1-717 464-3873

FAX: 717 464-3250
e-mail: pat@redrosestudio.com