SailorsThe Naval Armed Guard in World War II
by Justin F. Gleichauf
In this highly readable and action-packed book, Justin Gleichauf
has given members of "the other Navy" they just, though
belated, due. For five years, he tracked down more than a hundred
Armed Guard veterans and based much of this largely untold story
on interviews and correspondence with them. The result is a complete
picture of life aboard an astounding variety of vessels, including
the famed Liberty ships. He also describes the origin of the
Armed Guard in the first World War, and gives its table of organization.
Also included are the Nazi U-boat operations, sea battles and
disasters, and the Armed Guard's action in the Mediterranean,
the Pacific, and the freezing Atlantic.
6" x 9" 432 pages, index, illustrated, paperbound
#96 Unsung Sailors $21.95  |
SurrenderTrue Stories of the U.S. Navy Armed Guard in World
War II
by Gerald Reminick
The stories in this book are told by those who experienced them,
but they are really more than that. As wasand, sadly, still
is true of the merchant mariners alongside whom they served,
the Armed Guard has never received the proper recognition and
acknowledgement for its patriotic service and sacrifices. Lightly
armed and manned, in circumstances of extreme danger, against
the full might of the Nazis, and the Japanese on the sea and
in the air, they persevered in the crucially important task of
protecting the critical supplylines. Without their valiant efforts
none of the great historic battles, which command so much of
the attention, could have been won.
6" x 9" 400 pages, index, illustrated, paperbound
#97 No Surrender $24.95  |