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Texas Lore Volume Nine by Patrick M. Reynolds Did you know how the term maverick originated? This book will tell you–along with other fascinating and true stories: some of the west's finest lawmen started out as cattle rustlers and gunslingers as did King Fisher whom the Texas Rangers repeatedly arrested along the Tex-Mex border. Ben Thompson started out in Rip Ford's Texas Mounted Rifles in the Civil War, then joined Maximilian's Army in Mexico He became a gunfighter and gambler, did time at Huntsville, ran a saloon in Kansas where he met Wild Bill Hickock. After a shoot-out he moved to Austin, here he became the city marshall and a friend of King Fisher who by this time was sheriff of Uvalde County. They met their fate in a theater in San Antonio. The book's cover shows the Confederate gunboat Bayou City ramming the Union frigate Harriet Lane (named after Pres. James Buchanan's niece) resulting in a Southern victory at the Battle of Galveston Bay. Other Civil War stories tell about the Confederate capital in Marshall, and Sally Skull, a gunrunner for the Rebel army. Read about these and much more. 7¾" x 10¾" 56 pages, fully illustrated, paperbound. ISBN 0-932514-26-X #T9 TX Lore 9 $6.95

 Here are some sample pages of Texas Lore Volume 9
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